Thursday, February 27, 2014

2/27 HW/Review

HW:  Work on Policy Paper as needed.  Due Tuesday March 4 (next week) start of class
See this link for the rubric or find it under Class Handouts.
Policy Paper #2 Israel/Palestine Rubric/Guidelines

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

2/26 HW/Review

HW:  Complete your Right of Return Essay.  Cite in-text using MLA format from the slideshow we watched today.  Use the resources below:
Right of Return Essay Handout and Rubric

MLA citation guide

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

2/25 HW/Review

HW:  If you missed in-class preparation time, create the notecards for SLCs by doing the following (read the whole page please)

Review Habits of Heart and Mind

21st century skills:
Critical thinking
Effective Communication
Independent Learning
Curiosity and Imagination

Create 4 notecards (or write on piece of paper and copy to notecards tomorrow):
1.  Humanities Strength notecard (a HOHAM or 21st century skill)
a.  Name of strength
b. Evidence for strength (what work have you done in class that shows this strength?)
c.  Any additional talking points to explain yourself

2.  Humanities weakness notecard (A HOHAM or 21st century skill you can improve on)
a.  Name of weakness
b. Evidence for strength (what work have you done in class that shows this strength?)
c.  Any additional talking points to explain yourself

3.  Improvement notecard
a.  Choose a HOHAM or 21st century skill that will help you improve in your weakness.  For example, Perseverance could help you improve a weakness in Refinement by giving you the strength to work longer and refine more.
b.  Any talking points to explain yourself further

4.  SMART goal notecard
a. Create a SMART goal that describes how you will improve in your weak area.
Example:   “I will specifically improve in my perseverance.  I will measure my perseverance by seeing if it improves my grade at least 15 percent.  I know this is attainable and realistic because last semester my grade went up fifteen percent as well when I used more perseverance.  My timeline to meet this goal of a fifteen-percent raise in my grade is by the end of this project, March 17th.”

Friday, February 21, 2014

2/21 HW/Review

HW:  Begin work on the right of return essay that was introduced in class today, due this Thursday Feb 27 at start of class, PRINTED.
 Link to essay is here and also on the class handout page under "Right of Return Essay Rubric"

Link to SLC Rubric:  HERE and also under "Class Handouts" page

Starter #14:  What are behaviors and actions you can take that will lead to a productive debate and consensus?

Evidence gathering to prepare for in-class debate

In class debate (1 hour)

Begin work on right of return essay

Thursday, February 20, 2014

2/20 HW/Review

HW: Complete your document packets and source lists.  Due tomorrow at start of class
Starter--write 1 NPA about Benjamin Netanyahu (Israeli prime minister) and 1 NPA about Mahmoud Abbas (Palestinian leader)

In-class work time to complete your document packets

Come prepared tomorrow for a great debate activity!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

2/19 HW/Review

In-class:  Make sure you email your parents the below information:
SLCs are Wednesday February 26th between 4 and 6pm and I am signed up for _____ pm.
You can email Matt if this time doesn't work to change the time:

HW:  Work on your document packet if needed
Review: In-class worktime on document packets all class in preparation for in-class debate on Friday.

Friday, February 14, 2014

2/14 HW/Review

--Dictionary game
--Map activity of Israel/Gaza Strip/West Bank and surrounding countries
--Introduction to Structured Academic Controversy (small group debate) on the question,
"Should Palestinians be granted the right of return?"
--Explanation of Document Packet and Source List to prepare for Structured Academic Controversy on the Right of Return Question
--Worktime to prepare for Structured Academic Controversy next Friday Feb 21

HW:  None :)  Enjoy the long weekend and see you guys Wednesday!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

2/12 HW/Review

HW:  None
Today we ran through an entire Model UN session on North Korea, from start to finish.
Tomorrow we begin learning about the Israel/Palestine issue in preparation for our final Exhibition,
Monday March 17 2014 at Fort Lewis College
More details coming soon.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

2/11 HW/Review

HW:  Write a 2 minute speech to convince other countries to support one of the four resolutions you received in your packet today.

--Ran through parliamentary procedures on a resolution to make Durango the best-dressed city in the US.
--Read the four resolutions up for debate in tomorrow's simulation, and decided how our country felt about each resolution.
--Began thinking and discussing possible amendments to the resolutions, according to the perspective of our countries and our allies.

2/11 Classwork

Click on the link below to read and rate the resolutions between the ones your country would support, and the ones that your country would not support using this scale:

1= definitely support resolution as it is
2=support with some small changes
3=not support unless major changes
4=would need to get a LOT of changes to support

Monday, February 10, 2014

2/10 HW/Review

HW:  None
Today we had in-class worktime all day to complete our resolutions and did peer and self critiques.
Students who finished early completed a survey about the project and began watching the video of last year's MUN.
Students who needed to re-do their policy papers checked in with Matt on how to complete revisions correctly.
Tomorrow we will prepare for our Wednesday simulation of a model UN session!

2/10 Classwork

Email parents the time and date of exhibition written on whiteboard.

Copy and paste this google doc into a NEW googledoc of your own...title it
"___(your name)_____ Resolution

Complete this survey:, be Specific, Helpful, and Kind please!

When you're all done, watch as much of this video as you can and take notes on the sequence of events...imagine yourself going through the debate and learning how to do it right:

Friday, February 7, 2014

2/7 HW/Review

Friday class:  Make sure to fill out this yearbook survey if you haven't already:

HW:  Optional homework is to watch some or all of this model UN video from previous Animas students:

If you missed any in-class time this week:
1. Make sure to complete your policy paper if you haven't already, and share it with me on googledocs (allow me to edit and make comments)

You can find the Policy Paper Handout here and on the class handouts page.

1. Check the project handouts page.  Print or download all of the handouts about "resolutions" and read them carefully.

2.  Begin writing your resolution, using the handouts.  The final draft of your resolution is due Monday at end of class.
The resolution is a building-up of all the work we've done before on our countries...research packets, in-class essay, policy papers...USE those resources and the work you've already done to write a resolution declaring what you country wants the UN to do about the North Korea nuclear situation.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

2/6 HW/Review

HW:  No HW tonight.
Exhibition is Monday March 17th at Fort Lewis from 5:15-7:30

Starter--What is a UN resolution?  Why is consensus important for UN resolutions?  What do you need to do to ensure that you can gain resolution for your resolution?

Small groups--Brainstorm five possible solutions to the North Korea nuclear issue.

Share out the possible solutions to large group.

Silly Resolutions--write, with a partner, a silly resolution that has 3 preambulatory and 3 operative clauses.

Begin resolution writing.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

2/5 HW/Review

Complete this yearbook survey asap please

HW:  Finish your policy paper and email it to me as a googledocs before class begins tomorrow.
Review:  Today we had peer-editing and in-class worktime to finish our policy papers.

Tomorrow we begin learning how to write resolutions for our Model UN conference :)

Yearbook Survey

Monday, February 3, 2014

2/3 HW/Review

Class schedule for Tuesday 2/4 (thanks Dusty for subbing!)

1.  Riddle time (5 mins start of class)
Riddle:  "If I say "Everything I tell you is a lie," am I telling you the truth or a lie?"
You need to explain your answer and tell us HOW you got your answer (what thought process did you go through?)

2.  Begin in-class work time for rest of class. Use your packet with the checklist to guide you in writing your policy paper.  If you're still having trouble finding direct information on your country's view of North Korea's nukes, do the following:
a.  Find out what your country's motivations are generally (who are your friends, who are your enemies, do you want nukes yourself or do you support banning nukes?  Does North Korea's government owe you lots of money, or do you not trade very much with them at all?  Is your country mostly peaceful, or have they supported military action in the past?)  Answer these and other questions, then make an educated guess about how your country would view this particular issue.  
Also make sure you are using google search effectively: Use this site for some tips.

3.  Chairs:  Make sure you finish the posters, learn the Roberts Rules by heart, and prepare your resolution for the North Korea situation.  You could also begin your Israel/Palestine issue brief on the Gaza Blockade as well.

3.  Rest of class:  If you finish your policy paper draft and feel that it's ready to turn in tomorrow, please work on the following:

A. Try to find out how much power your country has in the UN.   What powerful countries do you think you need to persuade in order to get them to support your policy on North Korea?  What countries do you know will probably oppose your policy, and how do you get around their opposition?
B.  Consider what other points of view there might be on this issue, and what other countries might be trying to get you to change your mind.  What it would take for you to change your mind on North Korea. Draw up a list of points that you would want met for you to change your mind.

C.  Write a paragraph or two that included the evidence and your analysis of the evidence to the above two points (A and B).  Include as an extra paragraph or two in your policy paper, but attached after the Works Cited page and titled "Extra Perspectives".

 No HW tonight unless you want to do extra research/writing for your policy paper.  Remember:
Your rough draft of policy paper is due Wednesday at start of class.
Final draft of policy paper is due Thursday at start of class.
Speak to me about extensions if needed.

Also, fill out this survey if you haven't had the chance: