Monday, May 9, 2016

Last week of class checklist

It is all project worktime this week!
Look at this end-of-year checklist to guide your work.

Reminder--all academic work for this class is due this FRIDAY MAY 13th

Friday, April 29, 2016

Year-End Project

Your mini-project is due THURSDAY MAY 12.  Here's what we've gone over class.

*Decide on a topic that we have covered in Big History.  Topics include...

Big Bang
Creation Stories
Origins of Life
History of Cosmology
Social Darwinism

*Decide what your final product will be (story/essay/art piece/film)
and customize this template to decide how you will grade your own product:

*Your final product should be answering a driving question about the topic.
For example, if your subject is evolution, a driving question might be, "Why did humans evolve to walk on their hind legs?"

*If you want to get extra credit and raise your grade in this class, first focus on doing a good job on your mini-project.  Then, you can earn extra points through the extra current-event curriculum on the New York Times.  Click on this link to begin and let me know any questions.  Show me how many questions your respond to. NYTimes Current Events extra credit

Tuesday, April 19, 2016


Mind-mapping to prep for exam (1st hour)
During exam prep:  Conferences w/Matt about cosmology essays--if grade is not passing, it is likely because you did not include enough evidence or did not have a clear thesis in your essay.  Check with Matt during this time to get it right.

Homework:  None, unless essay needs to be revised.

Exam Prep

The three in-class essay questions tomorrow...
a.  Describe and explain the significance of the 6 mini-thresholds of the development of life
b.  Define evolution and give examples--include Darwin's example of the finches.
c.  Explain and define the 3 Goldilocks conditions for life

Monday, April 18, 2016


In-class worktime:
Read and critique the below model student essay.
Revise your cosmology essay based off of it.

Monday, April 11, 2016

4/12 Agenda

DUE:  Cosmology essay (see google classroom) is due by end of class on Tuesday
            Please send me the link to your timeline when you are done (anytime between now and end of            week)

When you're not in PARCC testing...

We are moving from Big Bang to the start of LIFE in Big History!

Log into Big History and move to Section 5 (the green section)

Click the 'Start Lesson" button

Get as far as you can  :)

We start the unit as a class when PARCC testing is done!

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Write down daily log for 4/7: "Today we went into depth on how people did or did not change their minds about Ptolemy's model of the universe

Chronozoom tutorial--Lecture/Timeline worktime

What to include on timeline: Life and death dates of both scientists you were assigned
2 exhibits per scientist (books, ideas, influences, important events, etc)

Lecture slideshow:

Monday, April 4, 2016



--Journal #1 of Unit 2 Big History:  "How do people change their minds?" Freewrite and pair-share w/musical chairs

--Copy down This Week's Question and Diagrams, both whiteboards

--Vocab games

--Note-taking video
Choose the system you will use for today's lecture

--Lecture on Ptolemaic system of universe

--Turn in notes at end of class

Monday, March 21, 2016


Big Bang introduction
Discuss in groups the following questions and write down answers:
a.  How do we know the universe is expanding?
Most of the light coming from galaxies is redshifted.  Redshifted means that the light is at a lower frequency, which tells us that it is moving away.  The inference (conclusion) that scientists draw from this evidence is that the universe is expanding.  

b.  What is the difference between light detected by a microwave telescope, and light detected by an optical telescope?   How do microwave telescopes help us see the afterglow of the Big Bang?
A microwave telescope detects CBR (Cosmic Background Radiation) which differs from "normal' light in that it has the same frequency no matter where it is in the universe.  We can deduce from this light's existence that it is the afterglow of a huge explosion and that all CBR comes from the same source (Big Bang).

c.  Distant gas clouds contain almost nothing besides hydrogen and helium.  How is this more evidence that supports the theory of the Big Bang?
By looking at gas clouds that are very far away, we are seeing as they were a long time ago, just after the Big Bang.  We observe that these gas clouds are composed of lithium, hydrogen, and helium.  This supports the assertion that after the Big Bang, there were only very simple elements.

d.  What happened before the Big Bang?

Wednesday, March 16, 2016


Starter:  "Does history matter?"
--Yes/No/Maybe...write your answers and reasoning, share on whiteboard as class

--Watch PBS video on Middle East conflict

--How can understanding history help the US find the right approach to the Middle East?  Research a case study of world conflicts for yourself to see what lessons from past conflicts can help the US find the right approach to the Middle East.

Possible case studies:  IRA/Britain, Israel/Palestine, al-Qaeda/US, Vietnam/US

--Answer the following questions about your case study

a.  What was the conflict?
b.  What did the superpower do?
c.  What were the results?

See this example answer to guide you in your research:

Monday, March 14, 2016


*Go to google classroom.  Finish final grading portfolio and turn in.
Note:  Take your time and write complete sentences.  This is the final grade for your project, and complete sentences and paragraphs will lead to a higher grade. 

*Update your Digital Portfolio
Under your Humanities page, add a section called
"Why Books?  Fahrenheit 451 Project".
This page should include

a.  Copy and paste this description:  "In this project we read and discussed the book "Fahrenheit 451", made an art piece in response to the book, and wrote either a historical/literary analysis or a fiction piece based off of the book.
We exhibited our art pieces on March 11th at the Powerhouse Science Center."
b.  A picture of your final art piece
c.  Your artist statement
d.  Your final written piece--double-check for spelling/grammar errors.

*If you finish before end of class, begin learning about our next project:
Big History--Early Humans and Us

Copy and paste this link:


Begin the online lesson on your own... We will begin this as a class tomorrow.

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Exhibition Prep

Exhibition is Friday March 11 @5pm-6:30 pm @Powerhouse 
All students arrive by 4:45
Professional dress required for students 
(collarshirt with tie, slacks and/or blouse, sweater, dress/ sneakers or denim please)

Extra credit options ((sign up here:
--Bring in books for the book-pile (1 point per book)
--Arrive @Powerhouse by 3:45 to help set-up the space
--Print and mount all student artist statements on construction paper (talk to Matt)
--Man the AHS gear-selling table for a half-hour shift during the exhibition
--Stay after the exhibition to help take down exhibit

Exhibition prep checklist (for all students).  Ten points
--Is your artist statement and essay printed and mounted on construction paper? Double-check that the extra credit team has done so.
--Is your artist statement and essay free from spelling errors?
--Is your artwork complete and beautiful?
--Are you prepared for the following talking points? (can use notecards if needed)
  a.  What skills did you learn through this project? (possible answers include art skills, specific writing skills--comma splices, TEA, citations, showing vs telling--or 21st century skills like collaboration, refinement, etc).  Be prepared to show evidence.
b.  What ideas or concepts did you learn about or develop through this project? (Good time to talk about the ideas in your fiction piece, historical or literary analysis,  ideas from class seminars or dover beach poem, etc).

Friday, February 26, 2016


Email to parents--everyone send this before leaving class today!

"Our exhibition for Humanities is Friday March 11th from 5 to 6:30 pm at the Durango Powerhouse Science Center."

Monday, February 22, 2016


Daily Log
Independent Worktime
Can do extra-credit quiz on Literary Tools slideshow (see Friday's post for link)

Thursday, February 18, 2016


Daily Log

Independent work-time:

Literary tools lesson:

Historical Analysis check-ins

Exhibition overview

HW:  Bring in a favorite book of yours tomorrow

Tuesday, February 16, 2016


*Exhibition overview and Agenda (see below for program)
*Writing conferences w/Matt
*Art work-time!  Get going!

Theme of the Exhibition: "Why Books?"
What it looks like:
*No essays on display, no standing next to your essay or art piece:  Instead, you get to "be" your favorite book, and to mingle with people for the first thirty minutes and share the story of "your book" (who you are as a book).  You want to convince as many people as possible to save your book, and all other books--you can work in groups to convince people who attend the show to save your book, and your friend's books.

*Group Role additions
--Space group:  Pile of books to burn, heaped in a pile, in the center of the room.  Need to be the books that students have chosen; need a kind of container to hold them all in place (plywood screwed together)...

Everyone's exhibition roles:
--You get to "be" your favorite book (any book you like).  Memorize a passage from the book of any length.  Be prepared with the following talking points to chat about with people who attend...
a.  'Hi, I'm ______________ and I wrote the book _______________."
b.  "(Recite your passage)"
c.  Explain why your book's message matters for the world, and why the book deserves to be saved from the bonfire.

Book-burning speech by one or some of the students
Speech interrupted by one or some of the students, implores to the crowd to step forward and save a book.
Bystanders come forward to save a book and take it from the pile.
Go until we've saved all of the books.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016


Group meetings w/Ashley:  Fill out this form in your meeting
And tape it your wall-folder.  This will outline what you need to complete by Exhibition for your role.

Independent worktime on Exhibition prep!

Monday, February 8, 2016


Independent work-time:
a.  Share your first draft of either your Historical Analysis, Literary Analysis, or Alternate Chapter with Matt.  ON GOOGLE CLASSROOM.

b.  Peer editing groups
--Groups of 3
--Everyone edits two other papers.  Make 2 copies of the google classroom forms.
--Tomorrow your group[ will do a peer review conference w/Matt.  Everyone offers feedback as a group.  Use the peer critique rubric on google classroom.
--Complete two peer edits by end of class.

Thursday, February 4, 2016


Writing conferences w/Matt (Passage Analysis and Final Writing Piece)
Independent Work-time:
__ Finish art piece description on google classroom
__ Send art piece budget to Finance group
__Written piece is due Feb 19th, FIRST DRAFT due Monday Feb 8 (on google classroom)
__Art piece work-time

Tuesday, February 2, 2016


__ Finish art piece description on google classroom
__ Send art piece budget to Finance group
__Written piece is due Feb 19th, FIRST DRAFT due Monday Feb 8 (on google classroom)
__Art piece worktime
   --Design?  Color schemes?  Buy/Scavenge supplies--where will you get them?


*Join Exhibition Group Role
--Committee, Space, Catalogue, and Finance

*Butcher paper--decide what your group's roles will be and what your vision is for what the exhibition will look like.

a.  Finish your art piece description and share w/Matt
1/2 page description including
--What type of art
--Budget needed for it
--Types of material being used
--How the art piece connects to an idea of F451

*Revise your passage analysis/work on final written piece (Due Feb 19th)

Sunday, January 31, 2016



Final grade for this project will be based off of your F451 portfolio.  Includes...

a.  Your passage analysis w/any revisions you made
b.  Your final written piece
c.  Your art piece
d.  All of the other work you did in order to prepare (budget, emails, notes, research, drawings, art designs, interviews, etc)
e.  Reflection, written and in a conference with Matt, on these questions, with specific stories/evidence about your work:  What did you do to help make the Exhibition an experience that blew people's minds? What did you learn about translating ideas into art and public display to convey your understanding and your individual perspective on F451?  

*Deadline*--Have a concrete design, budget, and description of your final art piece to discuss with Matt by Thursday.

Field trip for brainstorm?

Exhibition is a...
Silent Auction to benefit... better library?  x-block awesomeness?  new class furniture?  

--Exhibition Committee (presentations and oversight of the exhibition--Challenge Extension)

--Hospitality (food, music, posters, walls, etc)

--Catalogue of Pieces (Photos, artist bios, artist statements, etc)

--Finance (raising money for supplies, etc)

Essential Questions:

What is the theme and title of the exhibition for our class?

What does the exhibition look like?  Think big..

Joint Projects of multiple students?  One art piece for whole class?  Individual work? Class mural?  Class sculpture?  Combination of individual art pieces into a whole piece?  

Art piece design!

Mini-lesson:  Graphic Novels

Independent work-time:

*Design your art piece
--List of materials and budget
--Group work or individual?
--What are all the ideas your are thinking of for your art piece?  Sketch and/or written description.  Save for your porfolio. Write for your audience.

Friday, January 29, 2016


HW:  Seminar Reflection due Sunday 10pm.  See google classroom for assignment.

Seminar pre-write.  Answer the following questions, typed or handwritten.

a.  Look at pages 50-59.  How does Beatty explain the changes that led to the society of Fahrenheit 451?  Use 1 quote as evidence.

b.  Look at pages 79.  How does Faber explain the importance of books?

c.  Look at pages 111-113.  Why did Montag kill Faber?  Then look at page 116.  What new information about Beatty do we learn?


Seminar Reflection (see google classroom) at end of class.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016


Agenda: To be prepped for Writing Workshops tomorrow on our Passage Analyses


*Feedback review...

*Peer Reviews of Passage Analysis--see Google Classroom.  SHARE your peer review on googledocs with your partner after discussing your feedback with them.

*Show passage analysis to Matt, discuss your ideas.  Make revisions as partner and Matt suggest if you see fit.

*Finish F451

*If done with F451, begin work on final written piece.  Can review assignment (see

Tuesday, January 26, 2016



*Passage Analysis--review student example as class, critique for the 3 levels of a close reading
a.  Does it explain what happens in the text?
b.  Does it explain HOW the text works? (metaphor, imagery, etc)
c.  Does it explain what the author thinks the text means?

*Group process--what worked well, what could be improved?

*Independent worktime on your own passage analysis.
--See rubric and guidelines of 3 steps of a close reading
--The assignment is on google classroom

--If done, read ahead in F451--goal is to finish book by FRIDAY

Friday, January 22, 2016



Ray Bradbury documentary:

Independent work-time:
__ Finish answering the questions on the example writing piece that you've chosen and conference w/Matt by end of day

__ Begin Passage Analysis assignment (due by Tuesday Jan 26 start of class), 1 page.  See google classroom for assignment.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016


30 mins work-time:  Turn in to me the example and questions of the writing sample you will do for your final written piece--the choices are on google classroom.
(Shadows--you can read F451 and/or "Dover Beach" poem).

20 minutes group passage analysis of Dover Beach (the poem that is a main feature of F451)

Everyone read out Dover Beach poem and make one google comment on it about either...
a.  What you think the text is saying
b.  A metaphor you notice
c.  A beautiful phrase you notice

Click here:

Large-group discussion and analysis of Dover Beach and our comments, to model what a passage analysis looks like.

Independent worktime on Passage Analysis and/or conferencing w/Matt about your final written product.

Passage Analysis is due Monday at 4pm.  The passage analysis can be about Dover Beach, or a passage from the poem.  See description below:

Choose an event or scene from the book, OR write about the poem Dover Beach.
Analyze at least three lines from the scene or the poem, explaining both

a.  What is happening
b. What tools the author is using (word choice, metaphor, imagery, etc)
c.  What you think the poem or scene  from F451 means...what idea is it giving to you?  How do you interpret it?

Use TEA paragraph formatting.


Seminar questions:  Choose 1-3 of the questions to respond to in paragraph format in your OWN google document:

Monday, January 18, 2016


Read to page 90

Generate 3 Seminar questions on the text:
(see the assignment on google classroom)

Choose which written piece you will do as your final product.
 See google classroom for examples.

Once you have chosen what you will write, complete the questions on the example from google classroom.

Then, conference w/Matt about your choice and your answers to the questions (must conference w/Matt to pass this project)  

Writing Conference checklist
__Choose the written piece you will do for your final product
__Read and complete the questions on the example of your choice
__Bring your 3 seminar questions to the conference to discuss them w/Matt

Friday, January 15, 2016


Close reading of this image:
*What does the image show?
*How is the image shown (what techniques/style does the artist use?)
*What does the image mean? (what interpretations do you have of what the figures are saying?  How the people around them are reacting?  why the scene is taking place?)

Independent work-time:
*Read to page 65
*Begin working on your final written or artistic piece (see the handout link from yesterday)
*Check your choice for your final product with Matt and conference on what you need
*Begin seminar question-generating for next week's seminar

Thursday, January 14, 2016


Thursday Agenda:
Lecture on pages 1-21:

Independent worktime:
--Read w/ goal of reaching page 65 by tomorrow
--Can begin reading "Brave New World" if finished with F451
--Can research both "Master Ridley" historical reference on page 33
--Can take optional lesson on graphic novels if you'd like to do a graphic novel as your final art piece

-Review Project Outline to decide which final writing product and which type of art piece you'd like to do:

Wednesday agenda:
--Quote gathering and sharing pages 1-21
--Worktime on compare/contrast assignment

Tuesday, January 12, 2016


1/11 Agenda
*Read opening paragraph of Fahrenheit 451.  What words jump off the page at you?  Pair-Share.
*In small groups, read and answer seminar pre-write questions:
*Share out responses with large group in seminar
*Turn in notes at end of class

Things to consider...
a.  How does the image of the python and the conductor on the first page help us understand Montag and his "power?"
b.  What does it mean that Montag is part of a society that destroys history?
c.  What are the differences between Clarisse and Montag?  How does comparing and contrasting the two characters help us understand them more deeply?
d.  What is the society in the book like?  What do they value?

1/12 Agenda
Starter:  "Choose your own Perfume" song by Chris Hawking:  How do the lyrics of this song relate to the book?

Hand out project overview:

Read aloud pages 10-11:  What does this part of the story tell us about Mildred?  What kind of person is she?

Pair-readings of the dialogue between Mildred and Montag on pages 16-18:  What is their relationship like?

Independent worktime on Compare/Contrast assignment (15 points), DUE WED 1/13 by End of Class

Tuesday, January 5, 2016


Goal: Finalize set of rules, begin Fahrenheit 451!


a.  Begin reading and annotating Fahrenheit 451 Introduction and Author's Preface.
Answer these questions in your  handwritten journal:
1.  What are some main points of how Neil Gaiman understands science fiction and its purpose? What are the three questions that help write great science fiction?
Show Matt journal by break.

b.  Start reading first chapters of Fahrenheit 451.

B.  Begin reading and annotating documents about class rules.  Check out original rules from start of year:

Paper articles:

Do any additional research you'd like.
Must have 1-page summary of what you'd like class rules to be by end of class today.  

2nd period:
Read aloud pages 1-7
Group Discussion/Reflection (small groups)
