Friday, February 27, 2015



*Finish yesterday's project if late (see yesterday's post)

*See this sheet and choose one role you want to audition for on Tuesday.  Memorize the lines as best you can (you may have a notecard at the audition.  Auditions will be with Matt in the hallway during independent work-time next week.)

*Choose the type of "production role" you would like during the play (everyone has a production role as well as acting role).  Research independently what you think the duties of this role will entail and then write yourself your own production role description.
Production roles:
--Costume Design
--Assistant Director/Stage Manager
--Stage Design
--Sound Design

Copy and paste your paragraph into the appropriate section of the googledoc below.

By end of class, you should have completed both your poster from yesterday and printed it out from Matt, and copied and pasted your production role paragraph onto the googledoc.

Thursday, February 26, 2015


Follow-up is to finish the below assignment we started in class today:

You will create a poster (on normal printer paper) with an illustration of a character from Romeo and Juliet and from Midsummer Night's Dream, along with two full paragraphs below.  Share with Matt on googledocs by tomorrow morning before class.

Your paragraphs will be prefaced with a concessive thesis that acknowledges any similarities between the characters but ends by describing how they are different.

Then you will write two paragraph that describe each character's similarities and differences.  You must include two specific examples from the plays in each paragraph as evidence. 

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

SLC updates:

Thank you all for coming to SLCs tonight.

Here is some info (posted again so you don't have to search the past few weeks) on the two assignments that many students were missing tonight:

a. Your "Money Manifesto"
Include an NPA and a concessive thesis
Describe your beliefs about how to relate well to money in your life
Include at least one fact from the video (see the post from Feb 8th for more info)
Share with Matt on googledocs.

b.  Notes on videos:

Go this page which has all the worksheets.  Read through the first page with a partner.

 Go to to begin doing the worksheets.

Remember, you must complete at least two of the four worksheets.  

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Your weekend update (or, how to pass Humanities)

Some of you were sent this email.
However, I suspect that some folks rarely check email, so I've posted it here as well, in addition to announcing it in class tomorrow (as I've done so the past few weeks).

"If you have a failing grade in Humanities is probably due to a zero in the grade book because you haven't shared your self-assessment, OR, because your DP hasn't been updated to include BNW graphic novel or character analysis. This is your responsibility. Please do asap.

___ complete your self-assessment and SHARE IT WITH MATT

___Artists, complete this self-assessment and SHARE IT WITH MATT

Thursday, February 19, 2015


Follow-up: None
Today in-class:

Rehearsal of the scenes you chose with your partners.

See you tomorrow!

Tuesday, February 17, 2015


Follow-up: None

*Diagram of the Noble's relationships and how they change from forest to city
*Discussion of Escher diagrams (see notes from Friday)
*Finish film, A Midsummer Night's Dream
*Journal #2: "In what ways does Shakespeare create and then resolve tension through character relationships, changing settings, or events in the play?"

Thursday, February 12, 2015


*Note:  Powerschool has been down for a bit...I will update grades as soon as I can.  Thank you for your patience.*

*SLC Scheduling--sign up for a time between 4 and 6pm for SLCs on Feb 25th

*Turn in your worksheets from past two days if not finished

*Show Matt your updated DP (from Monday)

*Write your Money Manifesto (declaration)

Include an NPA and a concessive thesis
Describe your beliefs about how to relate well to money in your life
Include at least one fact from the video
Due Friday at end of class.

Tomorrow we start Shakespeare!!!

Wednesday, February 11, 2015


Today's agenda:
*Review videos from Tuesday
*Seminar with Daniel Suelo

Follow-up: None

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Tuesday 2/10

Today is all about independent work-time!

a.  Everyone get their binders open to their notes section, and open their computers.
Go this page which has all the worksheets.  Read through the first page with a partner.

b. Ask Pat any questions you may have about the assignment.  You can print out your version of the worksheets, or just write your own answers to the worksheets in your notes.

c.  Go to to begin doing the worksheets.

Remember, you must complete at least two of the worksheets by end of class today. Doing more worksheets (completely) leads to extra credit.

Get into your state of flow and dig deep--we will be using these worksheets tomorrow in our seminar with Daniel!

Friday, February 6, 2015

Monday 2/9

*Note:  Your Graphic Novel projects will be graded by the end of the week.
  I am trying to grade them as quickly and completely as possible; making sure that you had good lesson plans for today and tomorrow, and planning this week's mini-project, had to be my priority this weekend.  T
Thank you for your patience.

Hello everyone!
Today is all about DP updating:)

Do the following.

1.  Make your SMART Goal posted above your folder look pretty.  Re-write it on the colored paper on the supply table, or print out a cool graphic, and post it beautifully.  A great example is Caity Mulcahy's.  DO NOT tape it on slanted or with the tape showing.  

2.  If you are an author, post your character analysis near your graphic novel.  USE TAPE, DO NOT HAVE TAPE SHOWING ON OUTSIDE OR TAPE IT UP SLANTED!  

3. If you are an artist and your artist statement is not posted with your graphic novel, post your artist statement near your graphic novel.  USE TAPE, DO NOT HAVE TAPE SHOWING ON OUTSIDE OR TAPE IT UP SLANTED!  

4.  DP UPDATING read through all these directions BEFORE you start working!

a.  Take pictures of the graphic novel you and your partners made, one picture per page.  Borrow other people's phones if needed and ask them to email the pictures to you.

b.  Create a "Brave New World" project tab on your Humanities page, and copy and paste the below description under the title "Brave New World".

"Our task in this project was to recreate a scene from the book Brave New World in a graphic novel form. Most students were paired into teams of authors and artists, though several worked alone and handled both aspects of the task.  The authors wrote a paper analyzing one of the main characters in the novel and used noun-phrase apposites and concessive theses to make their arguments.  Artists focused on key choices of moment, frame, image, word,and flow in creating a graphic novel about the chosen scene.  Our exhibition featured both an art show of our graphic novels, and a seminar discussion about Brave New World." 

b.  Post the pictures as a slideshow on your Humanities page, under the tab "Brave New World.

c.  If you are an artist, post your reflection beneath the slideshow, If you are an author, post your character analysis below the slideshow.

d.  Finally, post your self-assessment that you did for your graphic novel (artists) or character analysis (authors) below your work.

If you finish early, go to the website
Scroll down to Chapter 2, "What is Money?" and watch one of the films, taking notes


Thanks everyone for a great exhibition!  There is no follow-up this weekend.  Enjoy!

Wednesday, February 4, 2015


Follow-up:  Make sure you have professional dress and snacks/drinks ready for Exhibition tomorrow!

Goal: To be prepared for the exhibition on Thursday, 5pm for first class, 6pm for 2nd class, in the Animas commons.  Extra credit for bringing food/drinks, and/or arriving early or staying late to set up or take down

Authors have printed out
1st and final draft of character analysis
Final draft of character analysis

Artists have printed out their artistic self-assessment

Split into Exhibition groups (Ushers/Student Speaker/Seminar Leaders/Sound Crew) and practice your tasks for Exhibition

Finish with practice seminar on BNW question generation: add your questions to this googledoc:

Tuesday, February 3, 2015


Goal: To be prepared for the exhibition on Thursday, 5pm for first class, 6pm for 2nd class, in the Animas commons.  Extra credit for bringing food/drinks, and/or arriving early or staying late to set up or take down

  *Finish anything you didn't finish from yesterday's post and approve it with Matt

2nd half of class:

Get into small groups of two to three.

Read aloud and group annotations of the article, "Brave New World, 75 years later".  Annotate for Questions, Connections, and Definitions 

As a group, discuss the following questions and take notes as you discuss:
a.  What did Huxley mean when he said (I'm paraphrasing for clarity), that " the expression of our contemporary fears?"

b.  On page 2, Why did HG Wells, another writer, write that "Huxley has no right to betray the future as he did in that book", and why did he think that the future would turn out much more optimistically?  Do you agree or disagree with him?

c.  How were the psychologist's Lancelot Hogben's attempts to "make psychology a physical science...relieving man of the burden of his soul" parodied by Huxley in Brave New World?  Give some specific examples.

d. Near the end of the article, the author describes how "as curiosity turned to technique, inquiry was drained of wonder and left to stagger about in an existential wasteland...the beloved has become a skeleton of rattling bones, and God is ghostly too."  What is the author speaking about?  Do you agree with her (and Huxley's) concern?  Why or why not?

Using the article above, Brave New World, and  the Victor Frankl article, generate questions as a group using the googledoc below.

Monday, February 2, 2015


Goal: To be prepared for the exhibition on Thursday, 5pm for first class, 6pm for 2nd class, in the Animas commons.

___ complete your self-assessment and paste it onto your character analysis

__Write the artist statement using this link and have Matt double-check it before you print it out

__Print out your first draft and your final draft of your essay to show at the Exhibition, along with the self-assessment, to show the changes that have happened over the course of your revisions.  Print out an extra copy of your final draft. Past it onto construction paper so it can be taped to the wall after we exhibit.  Keep in your wall-folder until Thursday.

__Complete this self-assessment and share with Matt on google drive.  
Print the self-assessment out as well so you have a hard copy for the exhibit.
__Paste your graphic novels onto black poster-board in a beautiful way (each page is lined up with the others, etc).  

If you finish and have time, begin the seminar question-generation using the googledoc below: