Friday, February 26, 2016


Email to parents--everyone send this before leaving class today!

"Our exhibition for Humanities is Friday March 11th from 5 to 6:30 pm at the Durango Powerhouse Science Center."

Monday, February 22, 2016


Daily Log
Independent Worktime
Can do extra-credit quiz on Literary Tools slideshow (see Friday's post for link)

Thursday, February 18, 2016


Daily Log

Independent work-time:

Literary tools lesson:

Historical Analysis check-ins

Exhibition overview

HW:  Bring in a favorite book of yours tomorrow

Tuesday, February 16, 2016


*Exhibition overview and Agenda (see below for program)
*Writing conferences w/Matt
*Art work-time!  Get going!

Theme of the Exhibition: "Why Books?"
What it looks like:
*No essays on display, no standing next to your essay or art piece:  Instead, you get to "be" your favorite book, and to mingle with people for the first thirty minutes and share the story of "your book" (who you are as a book).  You want to convince as many people as possible to save your book, and all other books--you can work in groups to convince people who attend the show to save your book, and your friend's books.

*Group Role additions
--Space group:  Pile of books to burn, heaped in a pile, in the center of the room.  Need to be the books that students have chosen; need a kind of container to hold them all in place (plywood screwed together)...

Everyone's exhibition roles:
--You get to "be" your favorite book (any book you like).  Memorize a passage from the book of any length.  Be prepared with the following talking points to chat about with people who attend...
a.  'Hi, I'm ______________ and I wrote the book _______________."
b.  "(Recite your passage)"
c.  Explain why your book's message matters for the world, and why the book deserves to be saved from the bonfire.

Book-burning speech by one or some of the students
Speech interrupted by one or some of the students, implores to the crowd to step forward and save a book.
Bystanders come forward to save a book and take it from the pile.
Go until we've saved all of the books.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016


Group meetings w/Ashley:  Fill out this form in your meeting
And tape it your wall-folder.  This will outline what you need to complete by Exhibition for your role.

Independent worktime on Exhibition prep!

Monday, February 8, 2016


Independent work-time:
a.  Share your first draft of either your Historical Analysis, Literary Analysis, or Alternate Chapter with Matt.  ON GOOGLE CLASSROOM.

b.  Peer editing groups
--Groups of 3
--Everyone edits two other papers.  Make 2 copies of the google classroom forms.
--Tomorrow your group[ will do a peer review conference w/Matt.  Everyone offers feedback as a group.  Use the peer critique rubric on google classroom.
--Complete two peer edits by end of class.

Thursday, February 4, 2016


Writing conferences w/Matt (Passage Analysis and Final Writing Piece)
Independent Work-time:
__ Finish art piece description on google classroom
__ Send art piece budget to Finance group
__Written piece is due Feb 19th, FIRST DRAFT due Monday Feb 8 (on google classroom)
__Art piece work-time

Tuesday, February 2, 2016


__ Finish art piece description on google classroom
__ Send art piece budget to Finance group
__Written piece is due Feb 19th, FIRST DRAFT due Monday Feb 8 (on google classroom)
__Art piece worktime
   --Design?  Color schemes?  Buy/Scavenge supplies--where will you get them?


*Join Exhibition Group Role
--Committee, Space, Catalogue, and Finance

*Butcher paper--decide what your group's roles will be and what your vision is for what the exhibition will look like.

a.  Finish your art piece description and share w/Matt
1/2 page description including
--What type of art
--Budget needed for it
--Types of material being used
--How the art piece connects to an idea of F451

*Revise your passage analysis/work on final written piece (Due Feb 19th)