Tuesday, December 16, 2014


Double-check your POL schedule for tomorrow and Thursday 
 You must be present to both present, and to panel for other students

Practice, practice, practice!!! Try to memorize as much as possible (helpful, but not required)

Keys to success:

*Make sure you have professional dress!  You will not be allowed to present if you do not.

*Make sure you explain your evidence.

*Make clear which notecard you are on as you move through the presentation.

* Have a clear SMART goal and explain why it is...


*Have your presentation be under 8 minutes.  Time yourself as you practice.

*Make sure you can easily and smoothly present your evidence (physical or on DP/Prezi) to the panel.

*Remember--you have all the resources you need below and above to succeed.  Trust your innate awesomeness, project confidence, and believe in yourself!

Docs from today:

Watch an excellent POL:  click here

Activity list



Monday, December 15, 2014


Double-check your POL schedule for this week :  CLICK HERE

Follow-up for tonight:

Complete your first four notecards tonight.
#1:  Intro with hook
#2:  Your strength (from a HOHAM or 21st Century skill)
     Topic Sentence--Evidence--Analysis (bulletpoints)
#3  Your goal/weakness (from a HOHAM or 21st Century skill)
     Topic Sentence--Evidence--Analysis (bulletpoints)
#4:  Your SMART plan to meet your goal

Docs from today:

Activity list



Wednesday, December 10, 2014


Double-check you POL schedule for next week :  CLICK HERE
Remember--you must be at school on the day you are presenting at 8:25 as usual
You do NOT have to come to school on the day you are not presenting
Students who are asked to repeat their POL must do so on Friday of next week

Student task-list:

Meet with Matt if you haven't had a chance yet during worktime.  
Worktime today: Check powerschool and make sure you've turned in the following by the end of class on Thursday. These are the last things to turn in for the semester. If you haven't turned it in, it will be marked as "missing".

Turn in everything listed below stapled together on Thursday at end of class.

1. Plot summaries for chapters 1-9 Click here for digital copy if needed (turn in paper copy)
2. Annotations for chapters 12-14 (three per chapter, in your notes section, show Matt)
3. Your "Dooley notes" for your assigned chapter (in your notes, show Matt)
Click here for a digital copy of Dooley notes
3. Personal Reflection Click herefor a digital copy if needed

Matt's Task list:  

__Meet w/students to early POL prep and make sure they are ready
__Meet with all other students to check in and assure they are on track with completing final work
__Enter assignments into powerschool as they are turned in throughout day
__Meet w/Finance dept abt class budget 
__Order supplies for graphic novels

Tuesday, December 9, 2014


Double-check you POL schedule for next week :  CLICK HERE
Remember--you must be at school on the day you are presenting at 8:25 as usual
You do NOT have to come to school on the day you are not presenting
Students who are asked to repeat their POL must do so on Friday of next week

Student task-list:
Meet with Matt if you haven't had a chance yet during worktime.  
Worktime today: Check powerschool and make sure you've turned in the following by the end of class on Thursday. These are the last things to turn in for the semester. If you haven't turned it in, it will be marked as "missing".

Turn in everything listed below stapled together on Thursday at end of class.

1. Plot summaries for chapters 1-9 Click here for digital copy if needed (turn in paper copy)
2. Annotations for chapters 12-14 (three per chapter, in your notes section, show Matt)
3. Your "Dooley notes" for your assigned chapter (in your notes, show Matt)
Click here for a digital copy of Dooley notes
3. Personal Reflection Click herefor a digital copy if needed

Matt's Task list:  
__Meet w/students to early POL prep and make sure they are ready
__Meet with all other students to check in and assure they are on track with completing final work
__Enter assignments into powerschool as they are turned in throughout day
__Meet w/Finance dept abt class budget 
__Order supplies for graphic novels


POL schedule:  CLICK HERE.
Worktime today: Check powerschool and make sure you've turned in the following by the end of class on Thursday. These are the last things to turn in for the semester. If you haven't turned it in, it will be marked as "missing".

Turn in everything listed below stapled together on Thursday at end of class.

1. Plot summaries for chapters 1-9 Click here for digital copy if needed (turn in paper copy)
2. Annotations for chapters 12-14 (three per chapter, in your notes section, show Matt)
3. Your "Dooley notes" for your assigned chapter (in your notes, show Matt)
Click here for a digital copy of Dooley notes
3. Personal Reflection Click herefor a digital copy if needed

Sunday, December 7, 2014


Learning Target: "I'm caught up on my work in Humanities and I've begun working on my Dooley notes assignment and 1st Semester Reflection."

Overview of Dooley notes
45 minute worktime on Spark notes
Brain Break
Overview of 1st Semester Reflection
Worktime on Spark notes/Reflection

Click here for a digital copy of Dooley notes
Click here for a digital copy of 1st semester reflection requirements

Thursday, December 4, 2014


Question of the week:  How do characters and plot reveal huxley's ideas in BNW?
Learning Target:  I understand how comparing and contrasting the religious ceremonies in BNW reveals the characters of Bernard and John and how they both approach challenges in life.

SG read of either 112-118 (John) OR 80-86 (Bernard)

Write Journal #11 BNW as a group:  "
What happens in the ceremony?
What essential values is the ceremony meant to instill in the participants?
Why do either John or Bernard not participate fully?
What does the fact of them not participating fully tell us about them, and about their own society?

Large group share out-Matt scribes on projector

Seminar (20 mins only):  Using your group journal and notes on board, compare and contrast the ceremonies and their effects on Bernard and John.  How does this help us understand the characters more?  What is Huxley trying to say by comparing and contrasting these two characters?  Does he agree with one society's values more than another?  Why or why not?

Journal #12 BNW:  1/2 page, single spaced
"What was the seminar about?
What was the most thoughtful comment you heard?
What do you understand now that you didn't understand before?

Wednesday, December 3, 2014


Follow-up:  Read and annotate chapter 12

Question of the week: "How do characters and plot reveal Huxley's ideas in Brave New World?"
Learning Target:  I know what happens in chapters 1-11

Annotation checks
Character Sketch pin-ups
Brave New World content quiz, chapters 1-11
Worksheet worktime
Quiz review

Monday, December 1, 2014


Question of the week:
"How do characters and plot reveal the ideas of Huxley?"
Question of the day:  "What happens from chapters 3-9?"

Overview of the day
Turn in any challenge extensions you've completed
Hand back graded evaluations--read over comments and write down any questions you have and revise for improvements
1-on-1 meetings with Matt to review evaluations/Worksheet time
Click here for link to worksheet