Tuesday, February 25, 2014

2/25 HW/Review

HW:  If you missed in-class preparation time, create the notecards for SLCs by doing the following (read the whole page please)

Review Habits of Heart and Mind

21st century skills:
Critical thinking
Effective Communication
Independent Learning
Curiosity and Imagination

Create 4 notecards (or write on piece of paper and copy to notecards tomorrow):
1.  Humanities Strength notecard (a HOHAM or 21st century skill)
a.  Name of strength
b. Evidence for strength (what work have you done in class that shows this strength?)
c.  Any additional talking points to explain yourself

2.  Humanities weakness notecard (A HOHAM or 21st century skill you can improve on)
a.  Name of weakness
b. Evidence for strength (what work have you done in class that shows this strength?)
c.  Any additional talking points to explain yourself

3.  Improvement notecard
a.  Choose a HOHAM or 21st century skill that will help you improve in your weakness.  For example, Perseverance could help you improve a weakness in Refinement by giving you the strength to work longer and refine more.
b.  Any talking points to explain yourself further

4.  SMART goal notecard
a. Create a SMART goal that describes how you will improve in your weak area.
Example:   “I will specifically improve in my perseverance.  I will measure my perseverance by seeing if it improves my grade at least 15 percent.  I know this is attainable and realistic because last semester my grade went up fifteen percent as well when I used more perseverance.  My timeline to meet this goal of a fifteen-percent raise in my grade is by the end of this project, March 17th.”

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