Step #1:
Check this schedule for your SLC this Wednesday and make sure one or more of your parents/guardians can be there. Click here for schedule
Notecard prep:
*Come to class on Wednesday with 5 notecards, written in bullet-points and written in TEA format.
Notecard #1: Your Habit of Heart and Mind Strengths
Notecard #2: Your Habit of Heart and Mind Areas for Growth
Notecard #3: What you are proud of in 1st Humanities project?
Notecard #4: What could you have refined further?
Notecard #5: How will you succeed going forward?
Step #2. Make sure your project reflection is complete and show it to Matt on your DP Link on how to complete.
Step #3: Look in your journal section of your binder. I graded journals 1, 3, 4, and 5 if your binder was in my classroom this weekend.
If they've been graded, they have a score out of 5 written at the top.
If you have an incomplete grade or took your binder home, show Matt your complete journal entries.
Journal #1: "What activities bring you 'flow'?"
Journal #3: What "psychological prisons" (mental limitations) do you live in?
Journal #4: Why do people do bad things?
Journal #5: How have you been socialized around wealth and poverty?
Step #4: Assemble all of the evidence that you have for your SLC--your essay on googledocs, quizzes, journals, annotations, etc. Find a partner and practice giving your presentation.
Step #5: Extra credit! Create a 1-page 'classroom design' as a proposal on how to make our classroom more beautiful, welcoming, and fun to work in. Consider:
a. How can we make the lighting better?
b. Should we re-arrange the layout of the supply tables, binder shelves, Matt's desk, bookshelves, etc? How?
c. What can we do to use our wall-space more effectively? Appreciations sheet? Quotes of the day? Birthday celebrations? Etc, etc.
Your "classroom design" should be an annotated 'floor map' looking at the classroom from above, with a backside full of notes and explanations. You can either hand-draw and hand-write it, or use this website. click here
Step #6: Revise/refine your wall-folder if needed.
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