Monday, November 10, 2014


Learning Target:  "I understand how I will be evaluated by the rubric for the BNW Evaluation #1."
Follow up: Complete journals 1-8 if you are missing any.  See this link click here in order to complete them.  Each entry is worth 5 points.

Phase 1:  Understand the rubric for the evaluation
Phase 2:  Develop a general idea of how you will answer each question on the evaluation.

Write down the learning target for the day in your 'Journal' section.  (2 mins)

Tell Matt who your partner was for the Utopia project.

Mindfulness (10 mins)

Brain Break (High-Fives!) (5 mins)

Pair work on understanding rubric (20 mins):  Work with the partner at your table, first reading aloud the rubric to each other, then answering the questions on the back together  Link

Large group share (20 mins):  Matt types up on the projector possible responses to the rubric questions, clarifies any questions about the rubric itself.  Students take notes on ideas/improvements to the rubric examples in their notes, titled "Rubric feedback"

Brain break (5 mins)

Evaluation preparation:  Students work in individually to write down the answers to the following on a sheet of loose-leaf paper called "BNW Evaluation #1 Prep".  Each student has their own paper and writes down their own complete answers.

a.  Reword the question that is being asked in a full sentence.
b.  Every student writes their own, very short paragraph answering the question  Include a thesis, evidence, and analysis.
c.  Find someone else who has completed their paragraph and exchange your paragraphs.  Underline any thesis, evidence, or analysis that you are good in answering the evaluation question.

Large group share-out (20 mins):  Matt notes down ideas on the whiteboard. d.  Share out in the large group.  Everyone take notes on ideas that others had to answer the question. Matt writes the ideas on the projector for students to write down in their notes section, under "Evaluation #1 Brainstorm" Write down ideas that you find helpful in writing your own essay.

Test prep (rest of class until 10 mins left):  Begin write down your practice answers to the questions.

Journal #8 (10 mins):  "Did you meet the learning target today?  Why?  What do you know that makes you prepared to take the evaluationThursday?  Be specific.  One paragraph minimum."

Exit ticket:  Turn in all journals you've done for this project, stapled together.

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