Thursday, December 4, 2014


Question of the week:  How do characters and plot reveal huxley's ideas in BNW?
Learning Target:  I understand how comparing and contrasting the religious ceremonies in BNW reveals the characters of Bernard and John and how they both approach challenges in life.

SG read of either 112-118 (John) OR 80-86 (Bernard)

Write Journal #11 BNW as a group:  "
What happens in the ceremony?
What essential values is the ceremony meant to instill in the participants?
Why do either John or Bernard not participate fully?
What does the fact of them not participating fully tell us about them, and about their own society?

Large group share out-Matt scribes on projector

Seminar (20 mins only):  Using your group journal and notes on board, compare and contrast the ceremonies and their effects on Bernard and John.  How does this help us understand the characters more?  What is Huxley trying to say by comparing and contrasting these two characters?  Does he agree with one society's values more than another?  Why or why not?

Journal #12 BNW:  1/2 page, single spaced
"What was the seminar about?
What was the most thoughtful comment you heard?
What do you understand now that you didn't understand before?

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