Finish grading conferences
Finish reading and annotating and reading log for article (see yesterday's post for more info).
Watch the following videos and take notes:
Note-taking questions (write these down in your notes section).
History of slavery in the US:
a. How important was slavery to the US economy?
b. How might this video support Ta-Nehesi Coates' claim in his article that the American Dream was built on the backs of black bodies?
c. How did the institution of slavery lead to racist attitudes even among poorer white farmers in the South?
d. How did people at the time argue that slavery was good for society?
e. How was dehumanization an essential part of socializing both free and slaves in the South to the slave system?
f. How did slaves resist attempts to dehumanize them?
Native Americans US History:
Note-taking questions:
a. How severely did European settlers affect indigenous populations in the Americas?
b. How have Eurocentric historians failed to give us a full picture of US history?
c. How did indigenous cultures view property differently than Europeans?
d. How were gender roles different for indigenous peoples than European settlers?
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