30 mins work-time: Turn in to me the example and questions of the writing sample you will do for your final written piece--the choices are on google classroom.
(Shadows--you can read F451 and/or "Dover Beach" poem).
20 minutes group passage analysis of Dover Beach (the poem that is a main feature of F451)
Everyone read out Dover Beach poem and make one google comment on it about either...
a. What you think the text is saying
b. A metaphor you notice
c. A beautiful phrase you notice
Click here:
Large-group discussion and analysis of Dover Beach and our comments, to model what a passage analysis looks like.
Independent worktime on Passage Analysis and/or conferencing w/Matt about your final written product.
Passage Analysis is due Monday at 4pm. The passage analysis can be about Dover Beach, or a passage from the poem. See description below:
Choose an event or scene from the book, OR write about the poem Dover Beach.
Analyze at least three lines from the scene or the poem, explaining both
a. What is happening
b. What tools the author is using (word choice, metaphor, imagery, etc)
c. What you think the poem or scene from F451 means...what idea is it giving to you? How do you interpret it?
Use TEA paragraph formatting.
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